
We’re proud to have taken part in this year’s Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity!


We’re proud to have taken part in this year’s Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity! 

To support the cause, we joined a special chair auction organized by J. Fałat State High School of Fine Arts in Bielsko-Biała, Sfera Gallery and the Arka Ecological Foundation.

Each chair is a unique work of art – designed and handcrafted with incredible creativity and dedication by the students of the fine arts high school.

We’re thrilled to be part of GOCC and contribute to such an important cause! All proceeds from the auction will go towards the 33rd GOCC Grand Finale, supporting the fight against childhood cancer.

A huge thank you to the organizers for making this amazing initiative happen!


DWG files of all SONNIGER devices.
Today we have another portion of information for you as part of our #SonnigerForDesigners series.
Winter is coming
but in SONNIGER we have the solution!
Benefits of using GUARD air curtain.
Our latest animation perfectly illustrates how our product works!
– new trends in the water heater segment!
Have you already heard about our SONNIGER selection app?
With the app, you can quickly and easily find the perfect solution to suit your preferences and requirements. #SonnigerForDesigners
Guard ONE - air curtain with motion detector!
Our Guard ONE air curtain is a small unit that hides a huge amount of power.
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