
Guard Air Curtain

Guard air curtains are a must-have solution for keeping the warmth in, ensuring comfort, and saving energy all winter long. With Intelligent WiFi remote control, you can manage the device from anywhere – right from an app on your phone.

  • Quick shipping – the product is ready in our warehouse!
  • Fast, reliable service – we know your time is valuable.
  • Unbeatable price – the highest quality at the best price.

Looking for effective energy savings? Guard air curtains by SONNIGER are built to meet your needs.

Every year, companies operating in the heating industry face the so-called “seasonality”.
This is the time when the amount of work and number of devices sold, reaches huge values.
Ho ho ho!
It`s December, the days are getting shorter and colder, but now young athletes from Qumple and TrzepaQ - Active Place will always find a warm place in their hall.
LZS Dragon Bojano at the top of the league table!
After the seventh round, despite one game overdue, the team sponsored by us takes the third place in the league and is only two points behind the leader!
The first water fan heater in the market dedicated to work with low-temperature heat sources
is currently a new standard in the heating market of condensing boilers and heat pumps.
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