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Looking for an efficient way to heat large spaces? We’ve got the perfect solution! 


Struggling to keep your production halls, warehouses, or workshops warm without breaking the bank? Traditional methods can be costly and often don’t distribute heat evenly. Thankfully, there are smarter solutions that not only improve comfort but also help you save on energy costs.


With SONNIGER's HEATER CONDENS water heaters and HEATER MIX destratifiers, you can take full control of your facility’s temperature, ensuring ideal conditions for both work and storage. 


Curious to know more?

Watch our latest video to see how these devices work and why they’re a game changer for your business.

DWG files of all SONNIGER devices.
Today we have another portion of information for you as part of our #SonnigerForDesigners series.
Winter is coming
but in SONNIGER we have the solution!
Benefits of using GUARD air curtain.
Our latest animation perfectly illustrates how our product works!
– new trends in the water heater segment!
Have you already heard about our SONNIGER selection app?
With the app, you can quickly and easily find the perfect solution to suit your preferences and requirements. #SonnigerForDesigners
Guard ONE - air curtain with motion detector!
Our Guard ONE air curtain is a small unit that hides a huge amount of power.
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