
SONNIGER is present in 55 countries!

We are proud to announce that our innovative HVAC solutions are now available in 55 countries worldwide!

It is thanks to the trust of our customers and partners, as well as the dedication of the SONNIGER team, that we can deliver products that improve comfort and quality of life in a quarter of the world.

Why choose SONNIGER? Here are some key benefits:

✅ Energy Efficiency: Our products are designed for maximum energy savings, resulting in lower operating costs and less environmental impact.

✅ Innovative Technologies: We continuously invest in research and development to provide the most advanced solutions in the HVAC industry.

✅ Global Trust: With our presence in 55 countries, we have experience delivering solutions tailored to diverse needs and climatic conditions.

Want to learn more about our implementations? Check out the list of facilities already using our products!

See here: Reference list

Join the ranks of satisfied SONNIGER customers and see how our products can benefit your facility too! 

DWG files of all SONNIGER devices.
Today we have another portion of information for you as part of our #SonnigerForDesigners series.
Winter is coming
but in SONNIGER we have the solution!
Benefits of using GUARD air curtain.
Our latest animation perfectly illustrates how our product works!
– new trends in the water heater segment!
Have you already heard about our SONNIGER selection app?
With the app, you can quickly and easily find the perfect solution to suit your preferences and requirements. #SonnigerForDesigners
Guard ONE - air curtain with motion detector!
Our Guard ONE air curtain is a small unit that hides a huge amount of power.
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