
We would like to share the news that we had

In cooperation with Klima-Venta a total of:


  • 24 industrial air curtains with electric heating GUARD PRO;
  • 20 destratification units HEATER MIX1

DHL Teresin is another similar investment for which we have provided our devices. Thus, we once again wanted to point out how important a role for large-volume facilities is played by equipment that protects heat loss at the facility.

We would like to thank Klima-Venta and DHL Teresin for their trust and the opportunity to participate in this project.

Guard ONE - air curtain with motion detector!
Our Guard ONE air curtain is a small unit that hides a huge amount of power.
We are starting a new series of #SonnigerForDesigners posts
which will be dedicated to supporting sanitary designers.
We are certified according to the ISO 9001 and 14001 standards.
We do not take shortcuts in our pursuit of perfection!
Take a full breath and enjoy fresh, heated air!
HEATER CONDENS water heating and ventilation units with a mixing chamber are intended for supply ventilation and blowing heating of cubature objects
GUARD ONE – the most compact air curtain on the market
If you are looking for an air curtain that combines modernity, efficiency, and ease of use, Guard ONE is the perfect choice for you!
SONNIGER Joins the Eurovent Group
- A New Era of Cooperation
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